John Sapiro

Excerpt Tuesday – Fixer of Midnight – Denney

fixing-a-holeThe yawning of this awning
In the moonlight 
Was his problem of the night…

It is my pleasure to present today’s illustrated excerpt: the poem is “Fixer of Midnight” by Reuel Denney (1913-1995), illustrated by Mr. John Sapiro. Mr. Sapiro has a fabulous blog where he mixes up music, art, photography, and words into eclectic – often animated – and always interesting digital assemblages. I was thrilled when he agreed to make one in response to a poem for Illustrated Poetry!

Despite finding acclaim as a scholar of American culture and sociology, Mr. Denney considered himself first and foremost a poet. Read the entire poem here – it is a breathless tale about a very ordinary problem that takes on mythical proportions. Enjoy!